2022 Art Song Festival Application

    Please read through the entire application and gather all of your information before starting. You will not be able to save and restart the application later.

    Note: Applications are restricted to ENYNATS Chapter members only through Sunday, November 22, 2020.

    Fields marked (*) are required.

    Participant Information

    High SchoolYoung Adult (incl. College Students)Pre-ProfessionalAdult Non-Professional


    List your selections, followed by the composer’s name and dates: (Make sure that all spellings are accurate.) Please include timing of pieces.

    Selection 1

    Selection 2


    All Events will be held synchronously through Zoom

    Please list any scheduling conflicts you have on Friday – Sunday, January 21-23 and Friday – Sunday, February 4-6, 2022.

    I have no schedule conflicts.

    I have a schedule conflict: (List UNAVAILABLE times)

    [group schedule-conflict-time]

    Musical Coachings

    January 21, 2-7pm: From:

    January 22, 10am-5pm: From:

    January 23, 2-7pm: From:

    Dramatic Masterclass

    February 4, 6:30-9:30pm: From:

    February 5, 10:30am-1:30pm: From:


    February 6, 1-8pm: From:



    Please prepare a brief biography which includes the following information:

    • Your musical background

    • Number of years of vocal study

    • Performing highlights (if applicable)

    • Career aspirations (musical and/or other)



    Sheet Music

    Upload scanned working copies of your music:

    1. Label photocopied music with your name and “working copy”

    2. Scan all pages of each selection into one PDF document

    3. Name your files with your last name and the names of your selections as follows: lastname_title_1.pdf, lastname_title_2.pdf

    4. And upload each file below (each must be a PDF under 10mb)

    The following needs to be RECEIVED BY: Sunday, December 12, 2021:

    1. Application and biography online

    2. Scanned copies of each of your songs marked, “Working Copy” submitted online with this application

    3. Please remit the $65 application fee (OR $75.00 for students of non-NATS members) via PayPal below. Payment is non-refundable.

      * If space is available, we will accept applications for a limited time after the deadline. If you submit your application AFTER DECEMBER 12, 2021 a $10.00 late fee will be added.

    Participant Agreement:

    I understand that all of my materials: application, biography, music and fee are due by December 12, 2021. If any of these are missing, I have not completed the application process by the deadline and

    1. risk not being able to participate because all the available slots are filled OR

    2. a $10.00 late fee will be added to my application fee

    If there is any possibility of the materials arriving or being submitted after the December 12, 2021 deadline, I will include the late fee.

    I understand and agree to the Participant Agreement.*

    Participant Full Name:*

    [group parent-sig]

    Parent Full Name (needed for high school students):*


    Once you successfully submit the application form, please continue to the Payment section below to remit your application fee.

    NOTE: Please don’t leave this page until you see a confirmation on screen that your information was successfully submitted.

    Please contact us with any problems submitting this form.


    Thank you for your interest in applying for the 2022 Art Song Festival. Zoom invitations will be sent out separately for each event. Please check your email client’s spam folder if you haven’t received your invitation by the day of the event.

    After receiving the message that your application was submitted successfully, please pay your Application Fee using the appropriate button below.

    If your teacher is a member of NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing):

      A late fee of $10.00 will be added beginning 12/13/2021.

      If your teacher is NOT a member of NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing):

        A late fee of $10.00 will be added beginning 12/13/2021.

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